Did I tell you last week that the 7/21 meeting in Burien was the last opportunity for public input regarding the proposed Metro service cuts? I believe I did, and I was wrong. And for the record, now you can’t say I never admit to being wrong. The proof is in the
pudding post. Anyway…
Monday, July 25, the King County Council is scheduled to vote on County Executive Dow Constantine’s proposed ordinance for a two-year, $20 congestion reduction charge to help fund Metro Transit service. If the charge is not approved, and the voters to do not approve a similar charge this coming November, Metro will have to reduce service by 17 percent over the next two years to balance its budget. As part of the vote Monday afternoon, the public must be heard.
So this, THIS is your last chance to speak up. I think.
From King County Metro Transit:
“The meeting will be held on the 10th floor of the King County Courthouse, 516 Third Avenue in Seattle, and will begin at 3 p.m. (get directions to the courthouse). Because of the overwhelming public attendance at earlier meetings on this topic, the Council has decided to provide an extended public comment period at the start of this meeting.
How to testify
- Those wishing to testify may sign up beginning at 1 p.m. in the Courthouse Park on the south side of the courthouse. Each person who signs up to testify will be given a numbered card (the numbers indicate speaking order) with space to fill in his or her name and address.
- Speakers will be called in groups to avoid everyone trying to enter the courthouse at once. If you miss entering with your group, you will be allowed to join the group that is currently testifying.
- As speakers approaches the podium, they will give their sign-up cards to Council staff so their names can be recorded.
- Overflow seating will be provided on the ninth floor, where attendees can watch the meeting on a television screen.
Can’t attend the meeting?
Comment online at http://www.kingcounty.gov/council/testimony.aspxMetro appreciates your interest in this critically important issue.”
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And, for those of us not able to get down there, the meeting should be broadcast live on KCTV, channel 22 on Comcast. Hope the reception is better than what I got when I checked out the channel tonight.
Thank you, Janey!