Reader Vanessa tells us that the “Gas Man” scammer is back on the ramp of I-5 south at 45th, asking motorists for some money to refill his empty gas tank. Here’s our story from last year.
Block Watch Captain, architect, and coolest home owner Joe Hurley forwarded a bulletin to us from SPD’s Terrie Johnston about more door-to-door scammers, and he added this helpful tip: “if you get the shave-and-a-haircut knock, don’t answer the door.”
Dear Block Watch Captains and Contacts:
I have attached some information on solicitors that we would like you to read. Today I received an e-mail from a north end resident who had an unknown man knock on her door at 11:30 p.m. claiming to need money to pay a locksmith. I see that other neighborhood blogs have reported on what they call the “Locksmith Scammer”. Please share the attachment with your neighbors and contact lists. As always, I encourage you to call 9-1-1 for anything suspicious.
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