When I was a kid, one of my uncles was a minister. A minister who traveled with marionettes, spreading the gospel through singing, dancing puppets. No, I’m not kidding. It was a lot of fun. And now I know why I love The Sound of Music so much.
Anyway, speaking of fun with puppets (minus the gospel in this case), the annual Puppet Show Fundraiser at FamilyWorks is upon us! Saturday May 14th 3:30-5pm.
Drew Derby, King County Librarian and Puppeteer Extraordinaire will host the annual puppet show, including:
- a fabulous puppet show by Drew;
- a make-your-own-puppet craft exhibit, and;
- plenty of healthy snacks to purchase.
Families with children ages 2-11 will especially enjoy this event. How fun! And for such a great cause!
There’s a small suggested donation of $2/person, or pay what you wish. Proceeds will help provide nutritious food for the food bank and support the free parent education programs at FamilyWorks. FamilyWorks is located at 1501 North 45th Street.
And while you’re there, be sure to ask about the Anna Banana Milk Fund which was created in memory of Molly Moon’s sister Anna. For just $10 a month, you can provide a family with fresh milk for an entire month. Or, for $100 you can provide TEN families with fresh milk for a month. Donations are also accepted through PayPal here.
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