July 9, 2011 marks the 62nd annual Wallingford Kiddies Parade, one of the biggest and most loved events in Wallingford. If you enjoy this neighborhood tradition and have a little bit of time you’re willing to donate beginning in April, then the Wallingford Neighborhood Office wants to talk to you! Here’s a note from President of the Board, Joe Hurley:
Hello Neighbor,
I am writing to you as the current President of the Board of the Wallingford Neighborhood Office. Our Board maintains the Neighborhood Office (behind Tully’s on45th) and sponsors community events (Home Tour, Garden Tour, Wallingford Kiddies Parade and Street Fair, etc.).
The person who has chaired the Wallingford Kiddies Parade committee is not going to be able to do it this year and we are looking for a person to fill this role. I am writing to ask if you, or someone you know would be interested in this position? Maybe you have some ideas for the parade (more bands! Where are the Shriners on trikes?). The work consists of coordinating participants, permits and volunteers, and requires approximately 10 hours per month April/May/June and about 20 in the week leading up to the parade. If you are,or if you have any suggestions, I would be delighted to hear from you. The board will be talking to potential candidates next week (March 21-25). Thanks for your consideration!