Tom W. just let us know that there are lines snaking out of SIR Studios on Interlake of folks looking to audition for The Voice, a new American Idol-style show from NBC. KMPS’s site reports:
Got the singing chops and just need the chance? Well, good news. NBC‘s upcoming reality singing competition, The Voice, is coming to Seattle for a round of auditions!
As we told you recently, NBC’s The Voice is planning on going head-to-head with FOX‘s American Idol. Word is The Voice will include several twists on the singing competition formula.
Tom said “Huge crowd (couple hundred folks?) lined up across the street from my house this morning waiting to audition for “The Voice” at SIR Studios.” He added, “Too bad they didn’t think ahead and place some honey buckets…”.
Update from Margaret at 2:54 PM:
The line of people to get in this afternoon is still two blocks long. I spoke to Johnny Gray, a man standing 75 people deep in line, and he told me that he had been there since 8 a.m.–all for the privilege of having 50 seconds to audition. When I asked what he was going to sing, he said it was between something from Luther Vandross or Maroon 5, but he won’t pick until he gets inside.
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