This Saturday, February 12th, is Neighbor Appreciation Day:
February 12, 2011 will mark Seattle’s 17th annual celebration of Neighbor Appreciation Day. It’s the day when we reach out, create new bonds, and express thanks to those who live or work around us. The celebration began in 1995 when Phinney Ridge activist Judith Wood suggested that the City designate “a special day to celebrate the goodness in those around us and to reach out and strengthen our bonds to each other.” Mayor Norm Rice proclaimed the Saturday before Valentine’s Day as Neighbor Appreciation Day. The observance has grown every year since. Click here to learn how YOU can celebrate with your neighbors.
The city website has lots of ways to help you celebrate, including planning events, sending e-greetings to neighbors and sharing your stories and photos. Seattle’s neighborhoods are one of its greatest assets and I bet you have some great stories to share with us here about your neighbors. In what creative ways will you celebrate?
My own neighbors are the best! I think I’ll bake them all chocolate-chip cookies. And needless to say, we at Wallyhood appreciate you reader neighbors and would bake you all cookies too if we could.
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I’m going to print out signs and post them on all the poles on Meridian, so everyone knows about it. 😉
Rather than posting a link could yu you please LIST what is happeningin Wallingford EXACTLY about this?
Is there a gasworks Park cleanup?
Is there free ice cream?
The Events Calendar on the city website doesn’t have any Neighbor Appreciation events listed for Wallingford yet. But feel free to organize any or all of the above, they’re terrific ideas!
Here’s a newly-added event happening this Saturday: Solid Ground is hosting a “seed packing” work party with Lettuce Link. It will begin at 9am through 12pm at Solid Ground on 45th (1501 N. 45th St., next to the library). From their description: Last year, Lettuce link passed out seeds, starts, and gardening information to over 2000 food bank clients at 24 sites in Seattle. We buy these seeds in bulk and need YOUR help repackaging them for distribution. The work is low-key and family friendly, and there will be plenty of opportunity to chat with your fellow volunteers! Please RSVP so that we know to expect you.
Molly Woodring
Contact Phone 206.694.6751
Contact Email [email protected]
I also just read that Mayor Mike McGinn will be at Hamilton International (1610 N. 41st St.) at 10 am on Saturday morning “In a special recognition ceremony, awards will be presented to the 15 top winners in the citywide student art contest to commemorate the day.” Among the 15 winners, two are Hamilton 7th graders.