Wallyhood’s Forums are full of insider’s information straight from readers. Read on!
- Panhandling From SUV’s – Unbelievably, several readers reported being asked for handouts from drivers of SUV’s around the neighborhood, especially along 50th Street. As K2mosaics says, when you go out activate your “scam-dar”.
- Bargain Vet Services – We love Fido and Fifi but why not shop around for lower fees? These readers have found huge price differences for basic services and share their secrets.
- Raccoons! – Speaking of critters, these readers have great suggestions for how to deal with raccoons. They’re out there and we know you’ve seen them.
- Should You Help? – Finally, Wallyhood’s “Bystander Intervention” post drew some fascinating opinions and anecdotes about our obligation to help when we notice others in trouble. How far does our neighborly responsibility go?
Browse around and add to the collective conversation. Or start your own post if you are seeking wisdom or have some to share. We’re listening!
Photo courtesy of ohnoitsdaveoh
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Is it time for thw Wallingford Burgoo* Festival again?
MM – mmm – good!
*At one time burgoo was a meal of wild game, such as turkey, quail, venison, squirrel, rabbit, opossum, or raccoon, that was slow-cooked outdoors in iron pots; chicken, vegetables, and pork were among the ingredients that came along later. It’s linked especially to Kentucky, where it has traditionally been served during the Kentucky Derby, though the Kentucky Post lamented in 2003 that “Burgoo’s heyday is gone”.