Are you in search of your inner creativity and can’t seem to find it? Well, right here in Wallingford, The Seattle Artist’s Way Center has designed courses, based upon The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, to help you uncover and inspire your creative side. The Seattle Artist’s Way Center has announced their Winter Schedule, and registration is now available and open to all. Classes will be held at Present Sense (4131 Woodland Park Ave N) beginning January 23, 2011.
Winter Course Class Description:
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron is an international bestseller on the subject of creativity. Whether you are an artist or not, this book and class can be an incredibly useful resource to tap into your creative side which can benefit many parts of your lives. The 2 hour a week 12 week long class will take students through the 12 chapters with an emphasis on the accompanying chapter exercises and additional creativity exercises and strategies (i.e. meditation tools). This material works with everyone, no matter how dormant or energized their creative life may be, and enhances their ability to be more fully and genuinely themselves.
Julia Cameron uses 3 basic tools for students to enhance their lives and their creativity: 1) morning pages (writing 3 pages longhand of stream of consciousness writing), artist’s dates (solo fun dates with yourself) and completing creativity exercises at the back of each chapter. To quote Julia, ‘In order to retrieve your creativity, you need to find it.’ The basic tools and the additional creativity exercises that we incorporate into the 12 week course will help you do just that.
*No prerequisites required for this class.
According to Wallyhood reader Kristin–who was part of the Fall 2010 Artist’s Way Class:
Like so many others, I had The Artist’s Way sitting on my bookshelf for years. I tried a time or two to do it on my own, with no success. When I saw the class advertised in a Wallyhood post last fall, I knew immediately that this would be the way that I could finally do the course and tap back into my creativity that I knew was there, buried deep under the day-to-day stuff that I let get in the way. The facilitators were excellent and they and my fellow classmates were supportive and provided the feedback and accountability that I needed and wanted, things that can’t happen when you do it on your own. If you have The Artist’s Way sitting on your shelf, get it down, dust it off, and take this class – you won’t regret it!
Course Schedule:
Section 1: Instructors: Kate Gavigan and Gin Hammond
January 24 – April 18
Mondays, 6:30 – 8:30
No class February 7
Section 2: Instructors: Kate Gavigan and Katie Talbott
January 23 – April 10
Sundays, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
For more information please contact The Seattle Artist’s Way.
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