Wendy Morales over at Blue Star Cafe & Pub (4512 Stone Way N) dropped us a note to let us know that they’ll be holding Pub Trivia every Monday night—beginning tonight—from 8-10 pm. But, this isn’t just your ordinary trivia night, my friends. The event is held by Geeks Who Drink, and from what I’ve read, these guys put together highly entertaining trivia contests that include audio and visual questions. According to their website:
Geeks Who Drink uses different media (soundbites, songs, printed handouts) theme rounds and creative genius to entertain, challenge and engage the crowd. Our quizmasters get to know the players and we glorify their heroics in the score report blog that’s posted the day after the quiz. To the best of our knowledge, we’re the only company that blogs every single quiz.
Even if a team doesn’t win, the quiz is still fun. That’s in part because our questions aren’t cribbed from Trivial Pursuit or other hackneyed sources. Each round is custom crafted and fact checked by GWD staff. Plus, our questions are entirely unpredictable. We’ll ask a round on the Douche Bags of History followed by a multiple choice round on Jessica Simpson, Ashlee Simpson or Lisa Simpson?
Here’s a sample of some questions they ask in their “It’s in the Lyrics” category:
- What’s the first question posed in the lyrical masterpiece that is Iron Man by Black Sabbath?*
- According to Naughty By Nature, what is rule #1 in this OPP establishment?**
- Champagne Supernova ends with three questions: How many special people change? How many lives are living strange? And ….Where were you while we were….?***
Trivia night at Blue Star is free, and a great way to get to know your neighbors while digging deep into the recesses of your mind to pull out all of that useless information you’ve been storing away all your life. And with Blue Star’s $4 Margaritas, you may get there even faster.
Answers to the lyrics questions:
*Has he lost his mind?
**When you get down, you can’t go ‘round runnin’ off at the mouth
***Where were you while we were getting high?
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Sounds fun but methinks I might not be hip enough for this trivia night. Aren’t there any questions about Emily Dickinson or classic movies?
Sounds very fun, but don’t forget those of us who are “a certain age” and haven’t listened to anything recorded since 1975! (Well, maybe a few things)
Well, I can’t say for sure because I wasn’t able to attend last night…but the website for Geeks Who Drink say that they’ve come up with questions designed to cover a broad range of topics from all eras. They even suggest putting together teams mixed with various ages so that when questions are asked about—oh, say, the Reagan Era, there isn’t an uncomfortable silence that spreads across the room!
Oh and hey…I just looked it up and discovered that Iron Man by Black Sabbath was recorded in 1970! I say, give it a try if it sounds appealing!