Where did they get the money to paint that mural on 46th St? Or for that beautiful fence outside of the Boys and Girls Club? The public art at the Wallingford Steps by 34th?
In part, from Neighborhood Matching Fund Small and Simple Fund grants, a City of Seattle program that “provides awards up to $20,000 to support community members as they work together to build a stronger and healthier neighborhood through civic participation. Activities may be physical projects, as well as less tangible, but equally significant educational, cultural, and relationship-strengthening activities…. Since it was created 22 years ago, NMF has awarded nearly $47 million with a community match of more than $68 million. Projects have involved 85,000+ volunteers who have donated more than 566,000 work hours.”
There are two application cycles per year, and the deadline for the first of 2011 is Tuesday, January 18 at 5 p.m. If you’re interested, visit the Small and Simple Project Funds web site.
It’s worth taking a looksie through all the past successful applications. Click here for the list of Wallingford-based projects, for example. It’s not just public art, it also includes sending a representative to a community building conference, undertaking studies and other less tangible but wholesome endeavors.
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