Just when you thought the U-District couldn’t get any classier, it looks like there may be a gentleman’s club going in where the Giggles comedy club lived on Roosevelt. It’s name? Jiggles, of course.
You can’t make stuff like this up.
The Seattle Crime blog, who broke the story, notes that
While Davis may not have the licenses necessary to open up shop, Jiggles is already looking for dancers, with recruitment ads–running in the Seattle Weekly and another paper–welcoming “refugees” from Rick’s, Honey’s, and Sugar’s strip clubs, which all closed last year after the clubs’ owners were indicted on federal racketeering charges.
Looks like we may have more fodder for the weekend round-ups shortly.
(Photo has nothing to do with Giggles, it’s just a photo of a strip club sign by Hryck)
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This site is directly across the street from an elementary school. I can’t imagine a license actually being granted.
I believe 800feet is the distance required from a school. No permits are pending at this time.
Bob Davis only has a permit for remodeling. He doesn’t have a permit for an adult venue, and I cannot imagine that he’ll be able to get one at this location. The rules are quite clear that strip clubs can’t be located near schools or parks.
It’s not like strip clubs operate at any time close to when schools are in session, and obviously kids aren’t going to be going there.
Does the mere presence of that building offend parents coming to pick up kids?
Schools usually have after school programs and activities into the early evening hours, plus evening activities. And most strip clubs I know operate during the day as well as the more profitable evening hours. Besides, it is a common restriction all over the country that you can’t open a strip club close to a school.
BTW, I grew up in a part of the country where they were more common than MacDonalds, so I don’t think they are a big deal, and I don’t object to them existing. But I never saw one across the street from an elementary school. Most strip club owners have more business sense than that. Then again, common sense seems to be lacking here in the PNW in general.
The gentleman involved appears more interested in suing the city for infringed First Amendment rights than actually opening a club.
This will provide a great career opportunity for graduates of BF Day school.
You will not see people nude outdoors. Your kids will not be scared if they see grown ups doing things they can legally do, now that they are grown up. So many of you are blind to real life and try to protect your children from things that don’t harm them. Meanwhile you leave them with the friendly neighbor that has special time. Censorship never worked; prohibition never worked. Educate yourself- kids with the crazy christian or mormon or bigot parents go the furthest in their rebellion. Teach your kids self respect and love for others and you don’t have to censor them against all things Real Life. (no offense but to many of us this makes sense)
You might want to go back and teach yourself your own beliefs about being a Bigot.
Sweet! College-age strippers and so close by!
People will go up in arms over this, which is completely unnecesarry. Stripclubs in Seattle cannot sell booze and the dancers have to be a couple feet from the patrons. There’s probably more debauchery at Dante’s next door to the location. In fact, I’m sure of it. If a sleazy bar like Dante’s can operate in that location, then why start complaining about a stripclub?