Here’s a rundown on some bits and pieces of news from Wallingford:
New stuff
A new hot dog stand called “Doggy Style” will open soon in the small space directly to the right of Big Wheel Auto Parts (4455 Stone Way N.). Owner Odie Haylock says he’ll call us “as soon as I steam the first dog.”
A new restaurant called Satay will open some time in November in the old Avila space (1711 N. 45th St.). Stay tuned for an interview with the owners.
Chris Sullivan of KIRO radio reports that Wine World (in the former Office Max space, 400 NE 45th St.) is scheduled to open December 1.
The building housing Oom Yung Doe (4319 Stone Way N. #101) and the apartments next door will be razed within the next 18 months to make room for a new four-story retail/residential building. (Thanks to Joe Hurley for the tip!)
Seattle Magazine reports that Joule owners Rachel Yang and Seif Chirchi are opening a new restaurant in Fremont, called Revel with a bar called Quoin.
Wallyreader Sallie told us her car was stolen around 47th and Thackeray on 10/17.
TheShire reported in our Forums that at least three cars had been broken into on Thursday night, 10/21 along Burke and 41st.
Re-Leaf Massage has moved from their 45th Street location in Wallingford to a new location in Fremont: 4000 Aurora Ave. N. ste 202. Hours are limited so call ahead. Their First Hill location will continue its regular hours throughout October.
Kristin Frits from Meridian School sent us a link to a video capturing their recent neighborhood cleanup day.
Quiznos on the corner of 45th at Sunnyside is closed–as in, closed with a giant white padlock on the front doors, according to Wallyreader Jacqui. No surprise, though. Back in March we reported that the store was up for sale.
Bill Carty of Wallingford will be among several 2010 Jack Straw writers reading from their work on Saturday November 13, from 2 p.m to 3:30 p.m. at the Seattle Public Library, Central Library, 1000 Fourth Ave., Microsoft Auditorium, Level 1.
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Why has no one pointed out that the owner of the dog-themed hot dog restaurant is named Odie?