Last week tolled the bell for the final Wallingford Farmers Market of 2010, and this week we ring out a year of Wallingford Art Walk. Tomorrow, Wednesday October 6th from 6 – 9 pm marks your last opportunity to stroll the avenues and alleys of Wallingford as if it were Paris in the Spring, popping into galleries to admire the works of artists while sipping on a glass* of wine and chatting with your neighbors.
Where should you stroll? Here’s what we know:
- Seattle Mosaic Arts (1325 N 46th St) will be showing the work of Susan Lauzac, a mosaicist** whose work ranges in subject, style and use of tesserae***.
- The Seattle Bank (1227 N. Allen Pl) will extend their show from last month of Tracy Wallschlaeger’s oil paintings and adding Danielle Miles’ photography to the mix (that’s her to the right).
- Julia’s will host the work of Nalisha Rangel: “Heavy earth tones and multiple layers of paint”. Sounds like our porch cladding, but we’re sure it’s better than that.
- The Oasis Gallery (3644 Wallingford Ave. N) continues its Undertones exhibit from last month, featuring the work of artists Bruce Falzarano, Francesca Campbell Hulick, Nancy Merrill, Rob Mitchell, Peggy O’Heron and Scott Cahill Rude. The show closes October 8th, so if you haven’t had a chance to see it, this could be your last chance.
- The Assistance League, who own the Bargain Fair Thrift Shop, housed in that little craftsmen at 1415 N. 45th, across from the Chevron, will be holding an open house to encourage you to get involved. There will be food and beverages and maybe music (but no art…but maybe if you got involved, there would be!)
- The Ari Joshua Band will be playing out front of Wallingford Center from 6 – 7 pm. If his MySpace page is any indication he will play jammy indie rock.
With the close of the season, the co-chairs Alex Strazzanti (of Oasis) and Colleen Kurke (of Cutz Meridian), who started the Wallingford Art Walk three years ago will be stepping down. We want to issue a huge, huge thank you to these two for spearheading these efforts these past years. It’s a giant undertaking to wrangle this many businesses, but art is important, and we thank them for doing it.
Best of our understanding is that Tara Shuttleworth, of Babette’s Events, will be taking over. That’s her to the left there. Yow. Wallingford Art Walk may take a lively turn in 2011.
* OK, plastic cup
** Pretty sure we made that word up
*** We had never seen that word before we read it in the mail we received from Christine about the show. A tessera is “a small block of stone, tile, glass, or other material used in the construction of a mosaic”. Now we know!
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Green Roots Photography ( will be at Chocolati.
Tue, August 3 at 9:19 am(redux)Hate to be the gig harsher but . . .I appreciate the ink, Wallyhood, as one of the artists in the Oasis showThe wink-wink-have-some-wine is no more at these events . . . always theState Liquor Board’s rules have required that alcohol be served only to individuallyinvited guests, not at publicly advertised events, and enforcement is currently extending to all events in Seattle, and especially the Wallingford Art Walk. (I learned these ropes working at a gallery when I first got here from a western state south of here where one can buy tequila in the grocery store 24 hours a day and alcohol may be served at art receptions.) If venues want to send out individual invitations, guests must bring the invite with them and the event isn’t open to the walk-by public. Welcome to Washington State.So, party on at the various watering holes in the ‘hood, truly spreading thebusiness around, consider taking the bus and have a time. And ask not whatyour really local gallery can do for you, ask what you can do for your reallylocal gallery . .
Maybe not at Oasis, but others continue to serve. I would wager a month’s salary that the liquor control board will not show up at a Wallingford Art Walk gallery. There are the rules, and there is what is enforced, and the latter is what matters.
Mr. ‘Hood, they already did and all participating Art Walk venues know this. Here is a story that could use some researching imo. Also, what is so great about breaking rules, why not work to change them . . .
Actually, this is not the last Art Walk for 2010! Back in March, Colleen and I decided to make the Art Walk year round; this is printed on the posters, yard signs and web site. Please post something to let everyone know about this mistake in your post.
And I appreciate the thank you for our efforts with the Art Walk.
Regarding the alcohol issue, an off-duty liquor board employee saw people drinking on Wallingford Ave. in the Art Walk’s first year. A director at the liquor board e-mailed us and the Chamber President, noting what was seen, restating the law and informing us that the Art Walk would be shut down if someone were caught serving alcohol in the future. As the Co-Chairs of the Art Walk we informed all participating businesses, and continue to inform them, that serving alcohol is against the law. Taking this into consideration, the Wallingford Art Walk has been in the spotlight with the Liquor Board ever since. Whether we think it is fair or not is not ours to say, rather as custodians of the Art Walk it is our responsibility to prevent the mandated shut down of our community event. So actually the law is what really matters because if participating businesses are caught you will soon be blogging about the real end of the Art Walk.
Can’t wait to participate in my first Wallingford art walk as an *official member of the community. Wondering if there’s an online map of the participating businesses and artists I can print out to take along.
Finally made the move across the great divide of Phinney Ridge from Ballard.
@Alex, I respect that, in your position, you must say publicly say the things you are saying.
Every art walk in Seattle, including Pioneer Square, Phinney, Capitol Hill and Wallingford, have multiple galleries serving wine. Always have, always will. But I totally agree that you, as the chair, are required to take a public stand against it, and I won’t try to convince you to do otherwise.