Homebound? Can’t make it up to the shops on 45th Street but want to window shop? Never fear, the Internetz are here!
Our friend Rusty has been working on a project, Real Places, for some years now that allows people to take Google Street View-like tours of the inside of buildings and such, and he’s featured Wallingford’s 45th Street early in its development. Click that link and take a stroll through Sock Monster, Fainting Goat, Not a Number and more.
As long as you’re taking virtual strolls, you might want to give this beautiful VR Gallery a peek, including a moody, pensive view of 35th and Burke, an eye-popping infrared view of Gas Works park and a cool visit with our neighbor, artist Rollin Thomas.
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Soooo cool!
Any chance my schools can be on that tour? How wonderful for parents to see Oliver, our pig, and his girl friends, the hens.
Please let me know if it would be possible!!!
How does one get featured in a virtual tour? The inside of OmCulture located on the corner of 35th and Bagley is really something to behold — not what you’d expect from the rather drab exterior. Although the pumping permaculture garden on the Bagley side of the street is worth a gander!
Hi Tara and Michael,
Thanks for the comments. RealPlaces walkaround tours can be created almost anywhere that is accessible to someone with a camera. And once created, we have a widget that allows you to *very*easily* add tours to your own web site.
Please contact us to let us know what you’re looking for:
If you are going to use one of my images to illustrate a posting about your friend Rusty and his business “Real Places”, it would be proper to clarify that the image posted and the VR images linked to in the second paragraph are made by a completely different person whom you failed to even mention.
Sorry Bradford, the image was meant to illustrate the article, not Rusty and his business. He’s paragraph 2, you’re paragraph 3.
Everyone else: the image is related to the third paragraph, not the second. The artist’s name is Bradford, and if you click the thumbnail included above, you’ll see that, because it links to the page of his work that includes the image. His VR photography work is phenomenal, you should check it out.