Have you seen those Daily Deal junkies? Are you, in fact, secretly one?
I used one recently to get a haircut (paying a lot for haircuts is a pet peeve) and the stylist said a huge wave of people cashing it in had come through, all opening up about their deep obsession with getting deals (psychiatrists should do double duty as hairdressers).
Well, a very local outlet for those outrageously discounted, virtually irresistible bargains has opened under the aegis of the most successful neighborhood Yahoo Group ever, Greenlake Moms. This is from founder Melissa Benaroya’s official announcement:
I was approached by a new up and coming local business . . . They wanted to start a local moms ‘daily deal’ store in a small community/neighborhood, and they chose ours to start! The Green Lake Moms Deal Co-Op site www.dealcoop.com/greenlakemoms will offer 1-3 deals a week from businesses in our area.
I have found it depressing to watch some of our local neighborhood businesses go out of business. Most recently, the Meridian Market in Tangletown and Avila in Wallingford shut their doors. My goal is that 90% of the deals are within 5 miles of Green Lake.
Please also feel free to share the site with your friends and family. Even though the deals will be community focused we want to extend the offers to friends, family and neighbors of Green Lake Moms!
Get that? You don’t have to be a mom or live in our zip code to participate in this. Intrigued, I asked Melissa for more details:
The types of deals that you can expect to see on Greenlake Moms Deal Co-Op are mom and family friendly ones: Haircuts, salon services, romantic getaways, family dining, clothing shops, massages, child care, child related activities, etc. Everything a mom could desire for herself or her family! A lot of our members are also small business owners, so my intention in partnering with Deal Co-op was also to be able to provide them the opportunity to offer a ‘Groupon like’ deal to their local community.
Each certificate must be at least 50% off of retail value of the product or service being offered. The Green Lake Mom Deal Co-Op is obviously targeting moms in the area and from our Yahoo website, but anyone in the community is welcome to join and benefit from the great deals that will be offered.
Insider secret: we launch or first deal this Thursday!!!! I am especially excited because I know the business owner offering the deal and I think she is really awesome. (I met her through another GLM’s referral about 2 years ago. She is a super cool and hip mom to boot!).
Check it out for a new deal obsession that will hopefully benefit neighborhood businesses.
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While I’m sorry that Meridian Market went out of business because we went there a lot, I must say that the gentleman running it was not much of a business man. I paid 4.50 for a can of beans once, and it got to the point where, given the prices, I’d rather do without for those “oh my gosh i forgot” items. The deli was great and the staff were awesome.
But did you know that he was foreclosed on at Phinney Market? I hope someone can buy it and turn it into a reasonable market and keep it going.
What about using it for some of the vendors for the farmers market? Or turning it into a public market? Or a community run community center?