Lots going on in Wallingford this Wednesday, so make yourself comfortable:
- First off, the weather report says it’s supposed to get up to 90° F. That’s nine-zero frickin’ degrees! In Seattle! So everything else that we list below is just going to be double-awesome.
- Wednesday, as it is all summer, is Wallingford Farmer’s Market at Wallingford Center, 3 – 7 pm. We’re not going to list what all is ripe and in season this week because everything is ripe and in season. It’s July! It’s 90° F in Seattle. You are legally required to buy fresh fruits and vegetables and eat them outside. It is your civic duty!
- Cantinetta understands civic duty. Chef Brian Cartenuto will visit the market at opening and plan a special 3 course meal from his foraging. The dinner will be $35 with the option of 3 glasses of paired wine for an additional $20. The regular menu will also be available for those who wish to dine a la carte, but then you would be missing out on Chef Brian Cartenuto’s foraging. You may as well forage in your fridge, under that wilted head of lettuce and limp carrot you bought three weeks ago and then forgot about. Don’t do it! If you go to Cantinetta, get the special 3 course meal. Trust Chef Brian Cartenuto. He is a chef and you are not and it is 90° F in Seattle.
Art Walk! Could nature have picked a better day for 90° weather than the first Wednesday of the month, which is Wallingford Art Walk? Yes, nature could have! Nature could have picked Sunday, July 4th, but look, let’s put that aside for a moment and focus on what is, not what could be. What “is” is the fact that it is going to be 90° in Wallingford and dozens of businesses will have art on their walls and little cheese cubes and carrot sticks that they bought at QFC and bottles of cheap wine from Trader Joe’s and little clear plastic cups for that wine. Trophy Cupcakes will have those little mini cupcakes for free and lemonade. From 6 – 9 pm, your neighbors will be wandering the streets in droves, meandering into and out of these businesses and chatting. Hejira will be playing world music jazz in front of Wallingford Center from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Perhaps you will see something you like and you will buy it, but more likely you will just think to yourself “if I bought art, I might buy that”. That’s good enough!
Remember, all that is this Wednesday, July 7th.
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