You may remember coverage of CouchFest Films, the super-indie film festival held on the couches of your neighbors around Wallingford, Fremont and environs, as we covered their 2009 festival.
Well, they’ll be back in November with an abbreviated program, and if you’ve like to participate, now’s the time to speak up:
The third annual Couch Fest Films will be on Sunday, November 7th. Though our board members are on a sabbatical this year flirting with malaria in Honduras, our staff have decided to keep the office lava lamp flowing and will deliver a smaller, cozier version of our traditional film festival. Don’t worry, you will still get to sit next to strangers in strangers’ houses!Want to be part of the festival? Considering hosting, volunteering or submitting a film.Details about the big day of shorts will be leaked to you as we get closer.
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