Snippets of interesting goings-on in the lands beyond our fair realm:
- Free (Empty) Milk Cartons!: According to My Green Lake, PCC on Roosevelt is giving away free Organic Valley milk cartons on May 27th from 2-6 PM for the Milk Carton Derby. Somebody must have had to drink an awful lot of milk.
- Boom Noodle Coming to U. Village: U District Daily says a new Japanese restaurant is set to open in early July (and they’re hiring, so send in your resume).
- No Left Turns from 15th onto 45th: Plans to repave 15th Ave. NE in January 2011 will prohibit turns onto NE 45th St. So, plan to turn right instead and drive clear around the city to get to your final destination.
- Hit-and-Run Killer of 91-year-old Woman Pleads Not Guilty: The man with a long criminal history who fatally struck 91-year-old Marie Bush Fite on the sidewalk a few blocks from her home while impaired by drugs and alcohol and then fled the scene has plead not guilty, according to Capitol Hill Seattle. Draw your own conclusions. And be careful out there.
- Fremont: Nothing interesting actually happened in Fremont last week.
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A clarification on that “no left turns” comment. It appears that the left turn lane on 15th Ave NE onto NE 45th St will be transit-only (at least during rush hour). For anyone who’s taken the #44 bus from Montlake to Wallingford knows, this is a major bottleneck. Having the turn lane be transit-only is a fantastic improvement.
wedged between your ear and your shoulder.. especially when you decide to step off the curb into an area where cars are!!
FOR Creepers sakes!
YOU YES You who walked in front of my car in front of the Post Office, so busy checking your mail in youir hand and talkingonthe phone! STOP DOING THIS to others.
Boom Noodle at U Village? Yay! I love that restaurant. I’m not so crazy about going there, but I’d way rather go there than to Capital Hill!