Ready for the weekend? We sure are! Here’s a taste of what’s happening in Wallingford and neighboring ‘hoods this weekend:
- HONK! Fest West is a street fair featuring acoustic mobile street bands: marching bands, samba lines, horn players, drum corps, and all sorts of funky noise . HONK! Fest West kicks off with a neighborhood block party Friday, 4/9 from 6pm-10pm outside Fremont Studios, 155 N. 35th in Fremont.
- 5th Annual Seattle Edible Book Festival — a festival celebrating books and food and the people who love them. The deadline for entering your own edible work of art has passed, but you can still feast your eyes on some punny and/or beautiful creations. Then eat ’em! Saturday 4/10, noon – 3:00 pm (but they’re gonna eat the books at 2:00!) The Good Shepherd Center, 4649 Sunnyside Ave. $10.
- Coal Country at the Meaningful Movies. As a warm up for the Coal-Free Washington Pinwheel Project,, the Sierra Club, Sustainable Wallingford, Earth Ministry and Transition Seattle are teaming up with Wallingford’s Meaningful Movies for a showing of Coal Country. Following the film, movie-goers are encouraged to join in an open discussion on building a bridge to a clean energy future: solar, wind, geothermal, local Community Supported Energy collectives, and more.
- Vagina Monologues are running at Stone Soup Theater through April 25th. Thurs-Sat. at 8 pm; Sun Matinee at 2pm. Tickets are $16 – $20, or $13 if you’re under 30. Purchase tickets at or Stone Soup office (206) 633 – 1883.
- The Grand and Tender Acoustic Showcase (at the Gypsy Cafe, 35th & Stone Way) will feature Tara Kelly Kearns, The Mighty Woe, Elevator Conversations, Tamara Power Drutis, and 2 Wallingford acts from Latona Ave, The Horde and the Harem, and Drew Piston. Friday night 9pm to midnight, free. And we’re all personally invited! Yay!
- Sustainable Wallingford Meeting. 2nd Saturday of every month from 10 am to noon at the Mosaic Community Coffeehouse, 4401 2nd Ave NE. Get to know your sustainable neighbors while sharing ideas about living on our planet with grace and joy.
- Cruisin’ the Fossil Freeways at the Burke Museum. The exhibit brings together the best of the Burke Museum’s fossil collection and the fossil-inspired artwork of celebrated artist Ray Troll to explore questions about evolution, extinction, and early life on Earth. Troll’s whimsical illustrations of imagined scenes from prehistoric times are placed side-by-side with real fossils. Through May 31st. Open 10-5. $9.50 general admission, $7.50 seniors, $6 students and youth, kids under 4 free.
And don’t forget to check our Wallingford Events and Music and Nightlife calendars for even more. Have fun out there!
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