Not a Number, Wallingford’s longest-resident oddment shop, sounds like they’re getting roughed up by the economy. We just saw this come across Twitter:
Hey, we need your help to stay in business! If you like what we do for Wallingford come in! Or help find Number6 a job!
Following the link back to their blog, we find the following:
As many of you may know, Number Six and the Head Cheese currently run a small brick and mortar gift shop in Seattle. Business has taken a HUGE downturn in the last 3-4 months forcing us to give part of our store back to the landlord. Due to this downturn in sales, we need one of two things (or a combination of both), more sales and/or another job for Number Six. If you like our progressive politics and our involvement in the Wallingford community, we urge you to do one of two things: come in and shop, or help Number Six find a job.
Read the rest of the post for more info, but Number 6 is none other than Jon DeLeeuw, co-owner of Not a Number and Vice President of the Wallingford Community Council.
In case you’re wondering whether the re-entry of Archie McPhee, Wallingford’s other oddment shop, has something to do with it, the Number6 blog dispels the notion: “No, Archie McPhees moving into the neighborhood has not been a factor in our store’s declining sales, in fact they have been good for us, as the often send people to us for items they don’t have, and vice-versa.”
Good luck, Jon and Kara!
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Could Obama's victory in the presidential election also have been a factor for NaN's decline in sales? With a Democrat in the White House there appears to be lower demand for the Anti-Bush (anti-Republican) paraphernalia which seemed to be a major focus for the store.
I've been trying to get them to rebrand themselves as “Wallingford's Tea Party Headquarters” for months now, but they're all 'healthcare' this and 'killing babies for oil is wrong' that.
As I scanned this, I thought you wrote good luck “Jon and Kate”. Whew!
Here’s a shout out to Kara and Jon and the rest of the small, local businesses in our pond and how missed they would be if they go the way of the Lusty Lady (times are indeed tough!) including: Wide World Maps and Books, various brick and mortar eateries and Rancho Bravo, Kids on 45th, A Poem Emporium, John’s Music, Bedrooms and More, Krittika Thai, The Folkstore, Scarecrow (add your faves: __________________________________________________________________________________________________and more importantly, purchase something of value for you or a pal.)