The Seattle P-I reports that there was an armed robbery early this morning at the 7-11 on Stone Way:
The suspects left on foot after the robbery, but police, who responded at 2:07 a.m., gave chase. Officers found the two with the help of a tracking dog.
Police arrested a 24-year-old man and a 26-year-old woman. Police also found a 9mm pistol when arresting her. Officers found other evidence as well, including the cash register.
Afterwards, the tracking dogs chased tennis balls in Woodland Park.
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Which 7-11 on stone way?
Good doggie!
Well, as the PI article says and the post implies it was the one by the park. The odd thing is there doesn’t seem to be a 911 call that corresponds. There are 2 calls at 2:30 and 2:46am to 40th and Stone Way, but that’s where the other 7-11 is (and is the wrong time.)
I wonder if the police happened to show up.
I hope the dog tore them a new one.
Thief: “Note to self — try not walking around with a stolen cash register, as it looks an awful lot like incriminating evidence.”
According to the Seattle Police Blotter (as referenced by Mywallingford), it was the 7-11 at 46th & Stone Way.
Several years ago a criminal found himself cornered by a police K-9 in a back yard near ours. Don’t you know he punched that big German Shepherd in the snout and that dog proceeded to forget all his training and bit that fool in the first place he could reach–right in the crotch. Criminal spent several weeks at Harborview getting important body parts reattached before he moved over to the jail. I love police dogs!
I’m as liberal as they come for most issues, but on crime I want zero mercy… hope these folks rot in jail.
Way to go SPD and their dog! I’ve seen drug dogs in action and they are AMAZING. Glad everyone was ok. WaltZ, they should get extra time for being armed.
This was beyond creepy (although I have to admit I slept through the whole thing). They caught the guy in the yards of the house behind mine (48th & Woodlawn), and the one next door on 48th. Don’t know where they found the woman and the gun.
A friend at work said there’s been a string of armed robberies in north Seattle. Maybe these are the folks? Wouldn’t that be sweet? Hope they find the third guy.
And I have no idea how the police got there so fast. Apparently the robbery was at 2:07 and they were over here by 2:20!
We were surprised to see a KOMO news crew reporting on the attempted theft when we made our morning walk to Diva Espresso on Tuesday, around 7 AM.