Late-breaking info, but the Wallingford Chamber of Commerce is holding their monthly lunch meeting today at noon at Tutta Bella. Special guest this month is Officer Jackson, the famously unresponsive “community police officer” for Wallingford . Member and non-member businesses are welcome, $18 for members, $20 for non-members.
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Anybody go to this?
I wish I had, we have been the victims of 11 or 12 car prowls in the last 6 months or so. When I have called the North Precinct they give me the run around, and when a parent gave me a video c.d. of the thieves the Police Department was unresponsive…their statement was “Green Lake has the highest incident of car prowls in the city, there isn’t anything we can do.” I live right near the North Precinct and have gone in and spoken to the officers at the desk, they also give me the run around. Is this what we pay taxes for? Officer non-responsive indeed…
Is there any way we could redirect Burks’s energy into protecting us from car prowlers rather than tearing down posters outside of The Erotic Bakery? I mean, he’s even armed.
Put pole signs on the prowlers?
Interesting to know that I’m not the only one who feels our Wallingford CPT officer is a bit unresponsive. It should be said that some of the other CPT officers are GREAT. Officer Randy Maxwell, former U-district CPT officer, was fantastic. The best way to contact your neighborhood CPT officer is via email. Officer Jackson’s is: [email protected]. Drop him a line.