The Friends of McDonald School (not to be confused with the McDonald Elementary School Community — I’ll give you a moment to sort that out) needs some volunteers to help spend some money!
Friends of McDonald School (FOM) is a non-profit organization that raises money for community space improvements on the school grounds. So far, they’ve done a great job in adding a brand new outdoor play structure, colorful maps on the blacktop, and a basketball hoop. Now in their second year, they’ve received grant money from Department of Neighborhoods and King Co. Youth Sports Facilities totaling $28,000, plus a pledge totaling $9,000 from local residents. The money can be used for items like additional play structures, chess tables, fence repair, or landscaping.
FOM is seeking volunteers immediately for the following tasks to begin in January:
- Reviewing equipment catalogs for examples of what we could purchase for installation in June
- Publicizing, preparing for, and attending upcoming free workshops to get community input on what to add to the east play field at McDonald
- Serving on the committees
FOM is holding three open community workshops are at 7-9 pm at Green Lake Elementary Library on Jan. 27, March 23 and April 27. These workshops are free to the public and refreshments will be served.
Later on there will be other needs for volunteers for:
- June 26-27 installation & cleanup
- July 17 celebration of the “new McDonald grounds”
- Other support tasks
FOM will work with the School District to decide on the final choices. According to Kathleen Ellsbury, the project coordinator for FOM, “The District has assured us that any improvements to the grounds will remain intact, even if the school reopens, which appears highly likely (2012 in the McDonald Building). The value of the grounds to the neighborhood has really increased, thanks to the grant funds, donated time, and neighborhood donations.”
For more information, visit the FOM website:
To get involved, contact Kathleen Ellsbury at [contact information removed at request of Ms Ellsbury].
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