Debbie from Seattle Bank wrote to let us know they are collecting donations for the Union Gospel Mission:
Seattle Bank Annual “Bare Necessities” Collection
For homeless families and individuals served through Seattle Union Gospel Mission
Donate what you can at Seattle Bank on 1227 N Allen Pl (Off of Stoneway N), Mon – Fri 9:00am – 5:00pm
The last donation day is Tuesday 15th Dec.
Please donate food, toiletries and baby care items for the families and individuals served through the Union Gospel Mission but looking for the following especially:
- Tube Socks
- Snack items and juice boxes
- Men’s winter coats
- New games and toys (for age 5 and above)
- Blankets
- Adult winter hats and gloves
- Diapers
- Hand Sanitizer
- Disinfecting wipes
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