Just a quickie reminder: we’re trying to learn more about who you are and what you’re looking for out of Wallyhood, so we can make it more relevant and valuable. As a little incentive, we’re giving away a 12 oz bag of Wallingford-roasted Pangaea Organica to two respondents picked at random. The survey is short, so take a moment and speak your mind:
The results so far have been eye-opening and fascinating. A few tidbits:
- 50% of our readers live between 40th and 50th in Wallingford, 21% south of 40th and 11% north of 40th. The remaining 18% live outside of Wallingford.
- Readers are about evenly split between the 25 – 35, 35 – 45 and 45 and over age groups. Just under 5% are under 25.
- 70% of respondents don’t have children living with them. The remaining 30% are roughly evenly split between age groups.
And the “what else do you want us to know” comments have been food for thought. Here’s sampling:
- don’t change! i love the irreverent commentary & neighborhood pics…also appreciate the parent perspective. keep up the good work & many thanks!!!
- I find the layout hard to read. Which may be my bad eyes. The Ballard and PhinneyWood sites are easier on the eyes. But you guys do a great job!
- Leave the postings less personal and more informational. I like the information provided, but some of the personal comments or views are annoying.
- I’d rather see the crime-related posts condensed to a weekly blotter. I feel the blog is too crime-centric recently.
- I find the crime and safety articles entertaining. I like having the information but I very much like the descriptions of bizarre and dangerous incidences from the various people who have written in about their experience. I am less thrilled with long essays about family restaurants, for instance.
- I would love to hear more about events and organizations in the community, and issues that affect Seattle residents.
Keep it coming!
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