We’re just a month away from our one year birthday here at Wallyhood, and we’re kind of curious how we’ve been doing, and, more importantly, what we can do to make Wallyhood even more useful. To that end, we’ve created a short survey that we would very much appreciate it if you would respond to. It’s just a dozen or so multiple choice questions, so it shouldn’t take you more than a minute to answer, and, to properly incent you, we’re going to give away a bag of Pangaea’s Wallingford-roasted, fair-trade coffee to two respondents picked at random.
The survey will be open until Dec 25th, but please take a moment now and let us know what you think:
Thanks in advance!
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Just wanted to say a big “Thank You!” for bringing WALLYHOOD to life. It takes time and effort to stir up the tidbits about our neighborhood in such a jovial yet respectful manner. We really appreciate your concern for this terrific little spot in Seattle.
Oh dear, what have I done? I made this little “Thank you” comment this morning. Why in the world I put my name and e-mail address in the “Add A Comment” section beats me. Now I see my name and e-mail address at the end of ALL the recent comments for ALL the topics. Please help—keep the Thank You but delete all the Add a Comment stuff….
Nobody else sees your name and e-mail address, only you. It’s because you’re “logged in”. It prefills in your name so that if you want to add a comment on another post, you can.