Eagle-eyed tipsters saw a note tucked into the Wallingford eNews that the Essential Baking Company is planning to shut their Wallingford bakery down. Wha-what? But…but…Rosemary Diamante!
We gave Lee at EBC a call to find out what the scoop was, and he confirmed that, while the exact plans are still being solidified, they are planning to move out of the bakery this Spring. A few years back, they acquired Parisian Star Desserts down in the Cloverdale area of South Seattle and consolidated their pastry and dessert operation with them. The bread-making is now soon to follow.
They have no immediate plans to close the cafe, though, and, of course, their breads will still be available in all the local stores. Also no word on what will happen to that space, as they don’t plan to expand the cafe.
But this could spell the end of the dumpster diving gravy train! So sad!
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Oh thank heaven they will still be baking the bread somewhere!
Whew! I was worried for a minute there!
It’ll be too bad not to have that baking-bread smell when I walk past though.
The majority of folks I see diving there pull up in their cars so, they should be able to drive down to the new location. 🙂 Or maybe EBC will turn over a new leaf and work with Food Lifeline — http://www.foodlifeline.org/help/foodindustry/index.html — instead of lazily letting hipsters with jobs eat it up.
I don’t see why more businesses don’t work with FL or, at the very least, make the stuff available for free if people just sign something saying they will not sue if they get ill. I agree–we throw way too much away. Dumpsters are not the answer, they are the problem.
What is the deal with the bread in their dumpsters? why don’t they give it away? Do people really take the bread? I’ve always wondered.
They do give some away, not sure why so much ends up in the dumpsters.
And heck yeah people take the bread! I fill up twice a week, three or four loaves at a time.