This is King County’s first swing at an all mail-in general election, so hold on to the ballot you received in your mail. If you’re confused about how to vote, here are some handy voter guides you can reference:
- Jabe Blumenthal’s Voter Guide: Matt L. sent us a link to this one. Who’s Jabe? Apparently, the guy who invented the role of Program Manager at Microsoft. So, smart guy. Politically progressive.
- The Stranger’s Endorsements: Obviously progressive.
- DOUG.’s Voter Guide: DOUG. is your neighbor. He commented on the very first Wallyhood post and we’ve been corresponding through the blog since. I’ve never met him. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders. His voter’s guide includes a picture of Eddie Murphy, Spicoli, a squirrel on a bicycle and Bill Lumbergh.
There are others, but those are the ones we read. If there’s one you prefer, feel free to post in the comments and let us know why you like it. To SeattleConserve, Hayduke and any other of our conservative readers, let us know how the non-progressives vote.
We have a few endorsements of our own:
- No on I-1033: Please, if aren’t sure whether you’re going to bother to vote, vote just so you can vote no on I-1033. This has the potential for crippling the government’s ability to offer what little social service support it offers already.
- Yes on R-71: Sometimes we try to imagine what it would be like if when we wanted to marry Mrs. Wallyhood, someone had said we weren’t allowed to. And that as a consequence, when one of us was in the hospital, the other one couldn’t come visit, or do the other things married couples do. That it’s 21st century America and a huge segment of our population has to live like that is an embarrassment and a disgrace.
- Dow Constantine for King County Executive: We’d prefer to focus on the positive of Dow, rather than the negative of his opponent, Susan Hutchison, but really, this should throw things into focus: Susan Hutchison is on the board of the Discovery Institute (home of the anti-science “Intelligent Design” agenda) and recently spoke at the Washington Policy Center, a group that believes that “Al Gore destroys jobs” and that climate change can be prevented by just letting businesses do what do best: try to turn a profit. Please, if I-1033 didn’t get you to vote, vote so you can vote for Dow Constantine.
- Pete Holmes for Seattle City Attorney: Honestly, we were a bit put off by the ferocity and the negative campaign that Holmes has run against Carr. That said, he’s right: Carr has been an enemy of many of the freedoms that those of us who embrace a progressive, urban lifestyle chose to live in Seattle for. He aggressively prosecuted marijuana users even after the people of Seattle voted in 2003 to make that the “lowest enforcement priority” and he has aggressively harassed bar and club owners. On the more philosophical note, we agree with Holmes’ assertion that at the end of the day, he serves the people first, rather than the government, a view with which Carr does not concur.
- Yes on Prop 1: This is just a renewal of an existing tax that helps provide housing for those who can’t afford it. We’ve got a story coming up on how this has impacted people in Wallingford specifically.
We’re still mulling the mayoral race.
If you want to save yourself a stamp, Dorsee sent this link to places you can drop off your ballot (closest to Wallingford is in the U District).
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Just a typo, but FYI: Pete Holmes for Seattle City Attorney -not- Seattle City Council.
@lcjohnson He can’t run for both? (Fixed, thanks!)
Wallyhood, thanks for your endorsement of R-71…
You said, “Sometimes we try to imagine what it would be like if when we wanted to marry Mrs. Wallyhood, someone had said we weren’t allowed to…when one of us was in the hospital, the other one couldn’t come visit…”
As one of those people who don’t have to imagine it because it’s real for myself & my partner of 7 years, I thank you for your support!
Also please vote for Sally Bagshaw for City Council (position #6?). She’s smart, hard-working, down-to-earth and has a really high level of integrity and compassion.
Thoughts on Jesse Israel vs. Nick Licata? I’ve always kind of liked him, but he is pretty contrarian. She seems equally leftie, and much more positive. ????
Oh, yeah — the mayoral race. Here’s my campaign slogan:
I want a tunnel
We’ve got to stop processing this issue
. . . so I guess I’m voting for Mallahan.
I am having some voter remorse over not voting for Nickels in the primary.
Hey Wallyhood! Thanks for the callout. I can’t wait to see Hayduke’s response to being called a conservative!!! 🙂 LOL… I only have a couple minutes so I’ll focus on what I consider to be the most important.
Yes on I-1033 – There is a lot of mis-information and fear being spread about this initiative. Many of the “no” voters I’ve talked to are voting based on the percieved popularity of the author of the initiative (despite having no interaction with him) rather the content. So at a minimum, please take some time to read the initiative to make your choice. There are arguments for and against anything so I’d encourage you to understand both sides to make an informed decision. This initiative limits growth of tax revenues by a combination of inflation and population (both of which are increasing). This creates sustainable growth and lowers volatility, preventing situations (particularly like California is seeing) where layoffs are needed because of excessive spending in a down economy. In situations where additional revenues are needed legislators can go to voters and ask for more, consequently giving us (the taxpayer) the choice when we need to fund something above a standard sustainable growth rate. Tim Eyman had an I-1033 town hall tonight in Edmonds that was quite good that will be televised sometime in the next few weeks. I’d encourage you to watch. I was there with Heyduke, who did a good job as the defacto opposition leader and presenting some of the better “No” arguments in the crowd.
Mayor is a tough choice. Both candidates are extremely progressive. For the conservative voter it’s a matter of choosing which will do the least damage. McGinn strikes me as more progressive for environmental issues and Mallahan for organized labor and community organizing. Based on the debate I attended, McGinn was more concerned about the most effective use of our tax dollars so he gets my vote. Many conservatives are leaning toward Mallahan probably because he is a more reasonable for gun ownership issues. My gut instinct after the debates (I did not catch the most recent ones yet) is that Mallahan would more willingly mortage our kids future for his pet projects than McGinn. On the plus side for Mallahan I’m more cofindent that he would actually completie his pet projects.
I also support Susan Hutchison for King County executive. Look here for a more honest write-up on Hutchison than you will find in the Stranger or on the Wallyhood blog:
ConserveSeattle, Thank you, comrade, for your generous words. I do still believe that the Yes on 1033 crowd was significantly larger than the No’s. Or it could be that liberals are generally too timid to stand up and argue forcefully for their beliefs.
And yes, it’s hilarious I was wrongly construed as a conservative here. I guess good libs are supposed to show compassion towards bums and pedophiles. Clearly, my previously spiteful comments on Wallyhood toward those groups identified me as a conservative. I also happen to be pro death penalty and I believe people should be here legally. And yes, while I vociferously opposed the Iraq war, I would never burn the flag or speak ill of our troops. Now, these views LABEL me as a conservative, but they don’t make me one. I’m just someone who cares more about his family and his neighborhood more than the “rights” of bums and sex-offenders/other criminals. The presence of some of these individuals makes Wallingford less safe and less pleasant, so you’ll excuse my lack of tolerance for them.
I’m also pro-choice, pro-environment, pro-gay rights, and liberal on pretty much any other issue. So with that said, I’m anti1033, pro Dow Constantine (is there any wonder why Susan “wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing” Hutchinson loves to say this is a non-partisan position?), and pro- McGinn, who I agree is the more progressive candidate.
Finally I’d like to see conservatives, and yes, you liberals as well, examine each issue independently. When you just go along with the “groupthink” of your party or political affiliation without seriously thinking about a particular issue, your political opponents will run circles around you in a debate.
Janey – I could have written word-for-word what you did. Pro – tunnel can mean only pro – Mallahan (or more realistically; anti – McGinn. And I feel I brought it on myself by not voting for Nickels in the primary.
Please add the Fuse Progressive Voter’s Guide to your list:
A very good source for summaries on issues and candidates based on endorsements from multiple progressive local organizations.
Hey Wallyhood… I was on the East coast all last week (visiting the political roots of our nation) and was pleasantly surprised to see this link to my voter’s guide. Thanks for the shout out… and remember to vote by tomorrow everyone!