Readers had a great conversation in the comments section of the our recent Bag Tax post that briefly touched on the mayoral race. Since the deadline for mailing in ballots in this Tuesday, August 18th, we thought it might be a good time to ask you all who you’re planning to vote for, if you don’t mind sharing. Honestly, we’re still undecided, and could use some opinions to help make up our mind. There’s a poll below, please vote only once, and then feel free to leave comments below.
Reminder: if you read Wallyhood in e-mail, follow the link to the web site to leave a comment. Hitting reply in e-mail goes only to us.
Click here to see the results thus far.
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I’m pretty sure Sigler’s first name is “Norman”, not “Normal”.
I’m not happy with any of the choices, but you couldn’t pay me to vote for McGinn. If you thought this city has had problems getting things done in the past, why would you vote for a gadfly whose stated purpose for running is legislative gridlock?
@Doug. I guess I watched The Usual Suspects too recently. Fixed.
My voter’s guide called him “Normal” once too…
I hope everyone reading this is reading Doug’s Voter’s Guide: Good stuff.
Ignoring Wallingford’s own Joe Mallahan? For shame! Mallahan has won more press endorsements than McGinn and understands that being mayor is about bringing people together and building strong relationships, not drawing lines in the sand and focusing on single advocacy issues. Joe Mallahan has my vote.
Sorry, but Doug doesn’t put much about himself on that site. why would you trust him more than anyone else? It’s pretty clear that all he does is endorse Democrats (or likely Dems in a non-partisan race) unless they disagree with him on the Viaduct or the opposition thinks exactly like he does on the Viaduct. Single-issue voters don’t make for an interesting voter’s guide. He might as well be writing endorsements for The Stranger.
I trust him because in all the other comments he’s made on the blog, he’s shown good judgement and a level head. Also, he included a photo of a candidate doing a one-handed push-up.
Given his endorsement of McGinn, I’d say the good judgement aspect has been proven demonstrably untrue 😉
Jason: You should put the same stock in my voter’s guide as you would any other that includes a photo of Milli Vanilli.