We try to contain our reporting to the confines of the Wallingford neighborhood, mostly to preserve our sanity. This comic workshop coming up at the Phinney Neighborhood Center is cool enough (and Henry lives in the W’hood), so we think it warrants some rule-breaking. Henry writes:
I wanted to let you guys know about a workshop I’m putting on at The Phinney Center at 6532 Phinney Ave N. It’s for anyone interested in making their own comics. The age group is 12 and up. I provide all the supplies. We meet for two consecutive Saturdays, Aug 22 and Aug 29, from 1pm to 3pm. And it’s only $50.
I’m a working cartoonist and illustrator. I’m including here a sample of one of my comics, “Inkwellspring,” which currently appears in The Phinney Ridge Review and nationally appears in the new anthology, Big Funny. Give the guys a holler at The Phinney Center if you like, “Inkwellspring.” And definitely contact me directly if you’d like to attend my class. Thanks!
Henry Chamberlain206 782 1276Alice in New York (my site and my graphic novel)Newsarama (cool pop culture site where I write)
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