Kidical Mass, the semi-regular kid-friendly bike ride organized by our friends over at Totcycle, will be making its way through Wallingford tomorrow. Kids, parents and kid-friendly adults will convene Friday, July 17th at 5:30 pm at Wallingford field for a 6:00 pm launch time. The ride will take the convoy up through Tangletown over to Greenlake, where sweaty cyclists can enjoy a dip in the lake or a BYO-picnic dinner (or pop over to Tacos Guaymas for some take out). Leave room for dessert, though, as the organizers have ordered eight dozen, yes count them, eight dozen (that’s 96 for those playing our home game) mini-Mighty O donuts.
If the Mighty-O fest isn’t enough incentive for you, Baby Luc (below) will be on hand in his custom outfitted Madsen bucket bike to cheer on the peloton.
We missed the last ride, but the one prior was good fun, with a couple dozen families joining in the fun. It should be a perfect way to cap off the week. Full Details on the Totcycle web site.
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Wait, wasn’t that /last/ weekend when W’ford was filled to capacity with kids? 😉
(Seriously though, I’m glad we live in a family-friend neighborhood. I’d argue that even if you’re child-free, there are quality of life benefits.)