Readers may remember that two gentleman, inspired by the acts of the East Wallingford Hot Tub Association, offered to Adopt 45th Street. Well, the time has come for them to pay their dues, so this Sunday, they are organizing a clean-up and are inviting, imploring and cajoling you to come join the fun. Senor Tyler, begging you to indulge him in his use of ethnic stereotypes for humorous effect, sends the following missive:
Atencion!!! Atencion!!!
Who: All Wallingford residents, young and old. Bring the family! Rewards for the youngest and oldest participants.
What: Clean up of 45th with BBQ pot luck afterwards
When / Where: Meet at Diva Espresso (4615 Stone Ave. North) Sunday, July 26 at 11am
Hola mis amigos de Wallingford. This is Generalisimo (Senor) Tyler Jones calling for all able bodies (young and old) to report for active duty this Domingo (that’s Sunday for all you gringos) July 26th.
The good ole’ days of yester year are over. After years of apathy and complacency, where the most important decisions of the day were what new flavor to try at Molly Moon’s (I’m a honey lavender hombre myself) or what meat choice to put in that Rancho Bravo burrito (they’re all bueno!), it has led to the rise in a dangerous and silent sleeping giant amongst our community…. Basura de los calles!!!! (street trash).
It is time to take back our beloved main street: 45th. This Sunday, I will be leading a rag tag militia of Wallingfordians through the calle’s de 45th to meet the enemy head on and deal it some street justice. We will organize at Diva Espresso at 11am. After we fill our bellies with coffee and C-rations, and our minds with old stories from thy fellow neighbors, we will embark on our journey. Two companies will flank both sides of 45th and march from Stoneway to the I-5 until all trash is eradicated. A battalion might need to be brought in to attack the stronghold of trash surrounding Dick’s.
I have stockpiled gloves, orange vests, brooms and trash picker-uppers. Sombreros and other festive gear are optional, but highly encouraged. ( FYI sombreros and mustaches can be purchased at Archie Mcphee).
I know the fight won’t be easy. In fact, I expect a few deserters along the way. The uneven sidewalks and intense summer heat might even deal us a casualty or two. But fear not; for there will be a reward for the brave survivors.
There will be a fiesta at my ranch after the clean-up for the courageous participators, as a token of my gratitude. Margaritas, cervezas and bbq’d items will flow like the winds of Santa Ana. I highly encourage participators to bring dishes/beverages over. It would make Senor Tyler proud to see neighbors dig deep in the basement for that summer dish recipe that grandma used to make. BBQ will ensue directly after the clean-up. More info/directions to ranch (near Diva) will be discussed at the morning meet up at Diva Espresso.
I hope to see as many of you out there as possible.
Mucho Gusto
Generalisimo (Senor) Tyler Jones
Diva Espresso has generously offered to provide free (we believe that’s gratis en espanol) drip coffee to participants. Muy bueno!
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This is muy awesome. Gracias, you trashy patriots.
N2! thanks for the positive vibes.
I hope to see you out in full force this Sunday. Think of it as Cinco de Mayo… in July–with some good deeds performed before the celebration begins.
And for all you Wallingford residents… please post if you plan on coming out on Sunday. Can we even get a pot luck itemization going? gracias.
FYI this event is down for today in Calendar instead of 2moro – Sunday, July 26 at 11am…wouldn’t want to upset the Generalisimo 😉
Would you guys be interested in watering street trees, in addition to or in lieu of cleaning up? If that doesn’t get done, a lot of them are going to be dead very soon.
Eimear — The only thing that is gonna upset the general is if YOU don’t show up tomorrow! haha
Darwin — I assume you’re referring to the newly planted trees the city installed a couple months ago? I have no tools to take on such a task. But, if you’re willing to provide such tools (a wagon and a giant thing of water?) I think we can hydrate some greens while we slay the trash.