If the presence of all those triploids don’t freak you out, maybe you’ll want to take advantage of Sunday’s Open Swim to take a dip in Green Lake:
Seattle Parks and Recreation is still accepting registrations for the Green Lake Open Water Swim, a half-mile or mile swim that takes place on Sunday, June 28.
Open water swimming is a unique activity in which swimmers can truly enjoy their surroundings, stretch out their strokes, and get into a rhythm over a long distance that’s impossible in a pool. Open water swimmers can face low visibility, few or no markings to follow, fellow swimmers close by, and choppy water, so it pays to train and be prepared for an open water swim.
There will be prizes for top male and female finishers in youth, adult, and senior age groups.
Registration is $35 per youth, senior, or special needs swimmer, and $40 per adult.
Registration is available online at www.seattle.gov/parks (just click on “Try SPARC”) or by mail at Green Lake Open Water Swim, Evans Pool, 7201 E Green Lake Dr. N, Seattle, WA 98115. For more information, please call 206-684-0780.
The half-mile race begins at 9 a.m. from the West Green Lake Beach; the mile swim begins at approximately 9:30 a.m. at the East Green Lake Beach. Swimmers may begin check-in at 7:45 a.m.
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