This Thursday’s Wallingford Community Council annual membership meeting is going to be a doozy, well worth attending even if you’ve never been before. President Mary Heim explains:
Various community organizations and ongoing projects will have table top presentations around the perimeter of the room so that people can mill about before and after the meeting to find out what’s happening in the hood and maybe the groups can recruit volunteers for work moving forward.
There will be a short WCC business meeting, including a short report/review of the 2008-2009 activities and the annual board elections. The current slate of officers is:
MaryHeim – President
Jon Deleeuw – Vice-President
Jason Moll – Treasurer
Cathy Tuttle – Secretary
Martin Powers – Past President
At Large Representatives: Eric Fisk, Lee Edlefsen, & Allison HogueAnyone that would like to run for an office can contact [email protected] and nominations will be taken from the floor at the meeting as well.
Community organizations elections and a short report (short!), good reasons in themselves. But the syrup on the cake comes at the end:
Following the business agenda, our own historian at-large, photo vagabond and featured speaker Paul Dorpat will be presenting a slide show and we’ll all
join in the discussion of Wallingford’s past, present and future.
Regular Wallyhood readers will remember our profile of our profile of Paul Dorpat from April, regular readers of the Seattle Times will recognize his weekly Now and Then column chronicling Seattle history and regular neighborhood walkers will simply recognize Paul.
He’ll be speaking on “The Birth of Wallingford and Related Subjects”. The WCC meeting is Thursday, 5/27, 7 – 9 pm in the Good Shepherd Center Chapel (4649 Sunnyside Avenue N).
And yes, that’s the flier. No, we didn’t make it up. F’reals.
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