Two bits of news from Twitter. Friday morning, Damon Cortesi reported that the the police were back to nabbing drivers who don’t yield in Wallingford (previously reported in Yield!):
Cops cracking down on Stone Way in Wallingford today. Four people over at once.
In more disturbing news, SeaBizNet reported:
large group fight in Seattle tonight Wallingford neighborhood. [address redacted] fire dept isn’t going in yet for hurt people
However, when we went to reread that tweet, it had disappeared. Retracted or is Twitter suffering from one its infamous bouts of amnesia?
Well, we quicky realized that the address tweeted is the home of friends and the base of operation of the East Wallingford Hot Tub Association clean-up, and the likelihood of a fight breaking out, unless was a toddler-on-toddler squabble, was fairly slim, so we hopped on our bike and went over to check it out. The many beer cans littering the lawn and sidewalk of the house across the street, 4338 Latona Ave NE suggests only the address was wrong. Anyone have more info?
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That’s up the block from me, but I didn’t see or hear anything.
Yeah, gunfire inside, large altercations outside. Beer cans all over the place. And yes, it was 4338 Latona.
Does anyone know who lives there? I have heard it is an Asian Fiternity?
I was out of town, but my wife commented on hearing gunfire Saturday night. We’re at 1st and 40th, about. I don’t know if it’s comforting to know where it was coming from or not. :-/
– rob
It is not a fraternity, but is a house full of young men, some (or all?) of whom attend UW. The son of the owner lives there w/ his friends.