More updates on the QFC expansion project we covered last week (QFC Expansionism). In response to some of the concerns, Kristin Maas, the QFC Public Affairs Director, wrote:
Similar QFC Deli
Prior to beginning this project, we had a 3rd party research group conduct focus groups with QFC shoppers, community members/neighbors and our store associates. Three customer focus groups walked through the store during the interview with a moderator. They were asked what they would like to see from this remodel. We have incorporated as much as possible within the space allowed.
Some of the enhancements include: an expanded deli with Boar’s Head Gourmet Meats and Cheeses, a bistro, pizza oven, salad station, sandwich station, soup bar, olive bar, a cheese shop, a wine cellar with an expanded selection, sushi, full service meat and seafood departments, gelato, expanded bakery and cake decorating section, the produce department will relocate to the left side of the store (across from bakery/deli) and all of the organic produce will move from their current location upstairs to become a part of the produce department on the main floor.
That’s all good news. Because you know what Wallingford needs? More gelato! The new gelato shop opening next to Not A Number, Tea House Kuan Yin’s gelato, and Bella Cossa’s gelato just aren’t enough?
It was nice to hear that they’ve met with Theresa, the owner of Mi Piacce, the coffee stand that has stood in front of QFC / Food Giant for almost 20 years, and are negotiating to have her join the staff of the new Starbucks inside the QFC.
And, a reminder for the commenter that loved the Fred Meyer and hated the QFC: they’re both owned by Kroger. All your groceries are belong to us!
And, are you talking about my Fred Meyer comment? I think maybe I sound like I hate the Fred Meyer more than the QFC. Or, maybe I hate all the nearby grocery stores in general which is probably closest to the truth. I know they’re both owned by Kroger, but still, I stand by my belief that the Ballard Fred Meyer is horribly managed. Maybe others are better? The Aurora and the Lake City ones are just too far away, and the Lake City one is a bizarre freak show too. (Though that may be a plus if you find shopping too boring.)
I guess there’s the Ballard Market. I’ve usually been pretty happy going there, but I usually only go for specific things I know they have, and it’s a little on the pricey side too I think.
I’m glad to see they’ll be integrating the upstairs organic produce into the mainstream. The blatent segregation of the organic food is shameful. Separate but equal does not work, even for produce. FULL INTEGRATION NOW!
Seriously, I’d like to see “upstairs” section massivly expanded.
The rule of thumb in the grocery industry is that stores are supposed to renovate every five years, because customers are attracted to shiny objects.
But, this QFC seems like an odd choice for renovation. There is very little area competition. I heard that Greenlake PCC is getting an overhaul, maybe QFC is just trying to keep up.
What a shame – they could have integrated a local girl’s coffee business into the building or kept her stand outside as it is. Instead, they give us yet another boring, bland Starbucks and try to induct the poor girl into their cult. That little stand actually has pretty good coffee and I love stopping there for a coffee while I walk around the hood. I have no interest in yet another Starbucks serving over-roasted, over-priced, over-steamed espresso drinks made by disgruntled teenagers.
QFC sold that pit long ago – rental units and “retail” are slated.
Oh, and all vehicle access from little ol’ 39th St instead of Stone or 40th – grrrr.
freakin’ SDOT….
It is a shame that they are not planning to move the store up to the curb and put the parking in the rear. It would give the streetscape a much better feel, less of a “missing tooth” sensation, and a narrower-feeling street could slow north-south traffic in that intersection.
– Moving the parking to the back would preclude easy access by delivery trucks. If you lived along 46th behind the store you definitely would not be interested in additional traffic along the (residential) street. Moving the building to the front would limit the sight-lines through an intersection which is already dangerous enough given the jog in it. As it is the store management instructs employees to park off-site, clogging up the neighborhood streets. Increasing the size of this store can only increase the out-sized impact they already have on the neighborhood. Believe me, it was a lot better in the Food Giant days – I used to do all my shopping there. Now I avoid it as much as possible.
– I’m not sure we need another Starbucks, especially one they don’t really operate.
– Integrating the organic stuff with the downstairs produce makes sense. Adding more space for it upstairs does not. Look around upstairs and you’ll see that a lot of that space isn’t even organic products now (unless you count the organic greeting cards 🙂 .
Really? Parking in the rear? There isn’t enough parking for residents anytime of the day, and early mornings when deliveries occur access through 46th is sometimes completely blocked. Maybe more residents can have their cars blocked in by trucks and more school buses can back around corners when they can’t get through the street – ?
Worst remodel ever. While I know that the shopping area is larger, why does it seem more crowded?
Very poor channelization for ease of ingress and egress. I do realize the main entrance is as of yet unfinished, but still, it’s a mess, I don’t see the new entrance making things any better. In all fairness, i’l update after completion.
Has anyone seen the nice lady who used to sell Real Change outside the QFC? The one who also sold crochet baby items? Haven’t seen her in a while and hoping she’s okay.
Wallyhood social worker
I despise the new starbucks in QFC… it’s terrible… totally still love Theresa.. but it’s not the same. I wish they’d get some quality coffee people in there and not some young “this is my first job” teenagers.
Doesn’t Tutta Bella also have gelato?
And, are you talking about my Fred Meyer comment? I think maybe I sound like I hate the Fred Meyer more than the QFC. Or, maybe I hate all the nearby grocery stores in general which is probably closest to the truth. I know they’re both owned by Kroger, but still, I stand by my belief that the Ballard Fred Meyer is horribly managed. Maybe others are better? The Aurora and the Lake City ones are just too far away, and the Lake City one is a bizarre freak show too. (Though that may be a plus if you find shopping too boring.)
I guess there’s the Ballard Market. I’ve usually been pretty happy going there, but I usually only go for specific things I know they have, and it’s a little on the pricey side too I think.
I’m glad to see they’ll be integrating the upstairs organic produce into the mainstream. The blatent segregation of the organic food is shameful. Separate but equal does not work, even for produce. FULL INTEGRATION NOW!
Seriously, I’d like to see “upstairs” section massivly expanded.
I’ve been shopping here for years and didn’t even know there was an upstairs until I had to use the restroom last week. Blew my mind.
The rule of thumb in the grocery industry is that stores are supposed to renovate every five years, because customers are attracted to shiny objects.
But, this QFC seems like an odd choice for renovation. There is very little area competition. I heard that Greenlake PCC is getting an overhaul, maybe QFC is just trying to keep up.
What a shame – they could have integrated a local girl’s coffee business into the building or kept her stand outside as it is. Instead, they give us yet another boring, bland Starbucks and try to induct the poor girl into their cult. That little stand actually has pretty good coffee and I love stopping there for a coffee while I walk around the hood. I have no interest in yet another Starbucks serving over-roasted, over-priced, over-steamed espresso drinks made by disgruntled teenagers.
My guess is they’re updating this QFC because they aren’t building a new one in that giant pit on Stone Way anytime soon.
QFC sold that pit long ago – rental units and “retail” are slated.
Oh, and all vehicle access from little ol’ 39th St instead of Stone or 40th – grrrr.
freakin’ SDOT….
It is a shame that they are not planning to move the store up to the curb and put the parking in the rear. It would give the streetscape a much better feel, less of a “missing tooth” sensation, and a narrower-feeling street could slow north-south traffic in that intersection.
– Moving the parking to the back would preclude easy access by delivery trucks. If you lived along 46th behind the store you definitely would not be interested in additional traffic along the (residential) street. Moving the building to the front would limit the sight-lines through an intersection which is already dangerous enough given the jog in it. As it is the store management instructs employees to park off-site, clogging up the neighborhood streets. Increasing the size of this store can only increase the out-sized impact they already have on the neighborhood. Believe me, it was a lot better in the Food Giant days – I used to do all my shopping there. Now I avoid it as much as possible.
– I’m not sure we need another Starbucks, especially one they don’t really operate.
– Integrating the organic stuff with the downstairs produce makes sense. Adding more space for it upstairs does not. Look around upstairs and you’ll see that a lot of that space isn’t even organic products now (unless you count the organic greeting cards 🙂 .
Really? Parking in the rear? There isn’t enough parking for residents anytime of the day, and early mornings when deliveries occur access through 46th is sometimes completely blocked. Maybe more residents can have their cars blocked in by trucks and more school buses can back around corners when they can’t get through the street – ?
Worst remodel ever. While I know that the shopping area is larger, why does it seem more crowded?
Very poor channelization for ease of ingress and egress. I do realize the main entrance is as of yet unfinished, but still, it’s a mess, I don’t see the new entrance making things any better. In all fairness, i’l update after completion.
Has anyone seen the nice lady who used to sell Real Change outside the QFC? The one who also sold crochet baby items? Haven’t seen her in a while and hoping she’s okay.
Wallyhood social worker
I despise the new starbucks in QFC… it’s terrible… totally still love Theresa.. but it’s not the same. I wish they’d get some quality coffee people in there and not some young “this is my first job” teenagers.