Janet Stillman, Executive Director of the Wallingford Neighborhood Office, writes:
The Neighborhood Office is heading up Spring Clean 2009 for Wallingford. The date is the weekend after Earth Day and Arbor Day, which is April 25th.
We are hoping that all the various Wallingford Groups will want to participate. There is no cost to you, just your time and energy. We are looking for several people who would like join me on the committee that makes this all happen.
The possible areas to be cleaned up are:
- Public Parks: rescue native trees and plants, remove invasive plants, mulch, work on maintenance.
- Public Places: Pick up litter and remove materials from right-of-ways such as 45th Street, 50th St. and 45th Street I-5 on and off ramps, traffic circles, planting strips, pocket parks,alleys, etc.
- Stenciling storm drains
- Painting out graffiti
- Pick your own spot, as long as it is on Seattle public property.
The city will provide: planning assistance, tools, litter pick-up bags, waste pick ups, grabbers, gloves, and safety vests for those working in/on streets and ramps.
Contact me if you have questions or suggestions. If I’ve missed sending this to some one or group that should see it, please let me know. Thanks!
As long-time Wallyhood readers well know, we’re big fans of picking up the trash. As charter members of the semi-fictitious East Wallingford Hot Tub Association, we even adopted a street. So go on, contact Janet at [email protected]. Or heck, be an old-timey type neighborhood and just stop in their office at 2100-A N. 45th St.
Did we mention you get reflective vests and those little grabbers?
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