Frequest Wallyhood tipster John Scott Tynes sent us this note with a picture:
There were those who thought the sign for High Maintenance Bitch was inappropriate for Wallingford. They’re going to love its replacement — the new cigar shop has hung its sign and it’s a doozy. It’s like the Playboy Bunny mudflap silhouette stood up, put on cowboy boots, and took up pipe smoking.
We’re thankful he was able to explain it, because frankly, we’re speechless.
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And Classy, too!
if this place lasts more than a month, it’s selling more than see-gars
The question really is – who owns the building? Under almost all commercial leases, the landlord has to approve tenant signage. There is a bit of a history developing here…
Also, is anyone keeping a RIP list of the 45th Street businesses (hint, hint). Its getting a little grim.
I blame the Babalu effect. Though eM is right — if they’re in for more than a month, it ain’t about the cigars.
Meanwhile, two blocks away on 45th, Puffin Glass *almost* made it into the old Juice Goddess space, right up ’til the building manager figured out what a water pipe is. 45th Street: Catch the fever!
C’mon now, I’m sure all the “Best Cigar Shop” is doing is providing a service to an oft-overlooked niche market: the Slightly Aroused Pipe Smoking Cowboy Stripper. I know Wallingford has quite a few, and they need a place they can feel comfortable purchasing pipe tobacco.
The beer store used to carry some fairly decent cigars. I don’t think they did too much business in them, though. And frankly, cigars go terrible with beer; they work with spirits or wine. I like a nice cigar now and then, and I’m going to try this place out. If they’re anything like most smoke shops, their main business doesn’t come from cigars OR water pipes or any other kind of paraphernalia; it comes from selling plain old cigarettes ten cents cheaper than the grocery store.
I look forward to seeing the next tenant announcement for this space. Seriously, a pipe store in Wallingford? What are they smoking?
You know what 45th street needs next? Bikini Baristas! (NOT!)
“How can we possibly convey to the sophisticated cigar consumer that ours is the best cigar shop?”
“Wait a minute – read those last three words back to me again….”
Y’know, I’m just so happy to have HMB gone, I wish them all the best! Wouldn’t have been my choice of businesses, but you never know . . .