Have you received every received one of those spam messages where they’ve just taken a bunch of words and strung them together randomly to make it seem to the spam filters as if the message is about something other than V1aGra? It’s like electronic schizophasia, some sort of auto-generated word salad.
So, anyway, apropos of nothing, here’s how the publisher describes “The Sound Mirror“, a recent book of Andrew Joron, one of the two authors who will be reading this Friday at 7 pm at Open Books on 45th.
“In The Sound Mirror, the human is no longer the galvanizing agent, thereby letting the writing convey other properties of existence. By means of verbal slippage, by means of sound as simultaneous mirroring, a curious neural capacity evolves in the reader of these poems, allowing an elemental contact with incandescent mystery.”
I, for one, don’t have enough elemental contact with incandescent mystery in my life.
What: | Reading by Andrew Joron and Andrew Zawacki |
When: | Fri, Feb 6, 7:00 pm |
Where: | Open Books, 2414 N. 45th St. |
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