Jim sent in this photo and let us know that apparently, Wallingford has a king. Who knew?
Since then, we’ve spotted the card scattered about the ‘hood, most recently stuck to the sign just outside the northwest corner of the Good Shepherd Center. We tried calling the number (as best we could read it on the cameraphone blurry picture we had) but only found a “this number is not in service” message from the phone company.
Always up for some good sluething, we turned to the The Google, which led us to this personal ad in the Stranger’s Love Lab.
King of Wallingford
chubby rocker/musician, who enjoys reality television, jim henson, cribbage, and documentaries. i can talk records for hours. i like funny girls, who dress nice, or not. i’m looking to date outside of my immediate social group, as that doesn’t seem to end up well. i’m sure all you women are absolutely enamored with me at this point. so yeah, go for it.
Despite the fact that he’s “currently on the wagon for treatment”, he’s been “known to tip a few back,” so you can find him at Al’s Tavern and the Sunset in Ballard (not sure if he needs permission from the King of Ballard to enter).
All Hail the King!
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I think that card says 206-832-6640
I’ve seen these too!