Yesterday, we reported that Shalom House, the assisted living home for adults with cognitive disabilities on Latona and 42nd, shut its doors. We received this note explaining the closing from Rachel Byer, the Director of the Seattle Association for Jews with Disabilities:
Yes, after more than 20 years in the Wallingford Neighborhood, Shalom House has closed it’s doors as an Adult Family Home (AFH) for adults with cognitive disabilities. While Shalom House was recognized as an outstanding example of AFH programming, services and client needs have changed over time and most people now prefer supported living (in their private homes) over small group care (AFH settings). We found that demand for a private-pay adult family home was declining and therefore opted to support our clients in other ways. We continue to work with the former residents of Shalom House in their new homes through our Supported Living Program. You can find more details on the services currently offered at:
sslp.html The JT News wrote a nice article on the closure last year. You can find this at:
php?/news/item/home_for_ jewish_disabled_to_close/
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