Robert Delaware has been snapping photos of street art around the city and posting them to Brightkite, a service that allows you to “tag” messages and photos with the location they were sent from. Here are a few of the shots he’s taken from around Wallingford:
Now, regular readers will know that we’re huge fans of street art (newer readers, check out some of our older posts on the topic, including Wallingford Art, More Outdoor Art, Mystery Painting, Easy Chair, More Yard Art and New Yard Yart), so this got us to thinking: wouldn’t it be great if there a map of all the yard and street art around Wallingford? Maybe you could print it and make a self-guided walking tour of our own public gallery? Or maybe someone could whip up some sort of snazzy iPhone app?
Such a map seems like an essential resource for the neighborhood, no less important than a list of kid-friendly restaurants, so we’re willing to help put it together.
If you know of street art or yard art around the neighborhood, please leave the address in the description below. If you’ve got a photo you can link to, even better. We’ll work on pulling together a map we can share with the neighborhood. What say?
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Arthur Lee Jacobson, local tree and plant expert, had a wonderful Wallingford map published in the 90s. It noted most and especially significant street and private trees and was a lovely piece. Wallingford’s Mike Ruby and the Wallingford Chamber have a similar idea to highlight trees, businesses, cool stuff on a map . . . it might be a place to start and could be fluid rather than something only on paper. Having Arthur be commissioned to work on it would be the ultimate in “shop local.”
Google Maps allows you to create a marked-up version of a map. You can make it freely editable by everybody if you want it to organically grow and you don’t mind the junk, or a specified list of people can edit.
See, for example, this map of some North-end schools:
It can be much fancier, with different icons for each spot.
Hiya-Re yard art – I have a 30′ diameter peace sign on my roof in lower W’ford – google earth has a great shot of it – you can see it from the SW corner of 36th &
Meridian – if you know where you’re looking (3614 Meridian) and you’re 5′ tall! One of many lovely and meaningful messages in our hood. Keep up your great work,
Love the Outdoor-art in Wallingford. Have a sculpture in my front yard 2308 N. 41st. St. Check out my web-site when you get a minute, Love reading the Wallyhood news. Yea for Wallingford, been in my house for 40 years, think I’ll stay!!!!!!! Mimi James